Hospitaly Kft.

Primary care solutions

Hospitaly Kft is primarily present on the healthcare market with its institutional solutions, however, we have developed other products as well based on the communication needs of institutions with each other and their environment. There are a host of software solutions available for primary care providers, but there is no unified, standardized solution yet that would facilitate the communication between institutional (hospital) systems. Hospitaly Kft has developed several systems that support safe and standardized access to institutional systems for general practitioners.

iKórlap – mobile patient-flow monitor

iKórlap is one of our most recent developments. With the help of iKórlap any GP in Hungary can access all their patients’ full medical history together with the data of their prescribed medications. iKórlap software is compatible with Apple iPad, Android and Windows 8 and 10 Tablets as well. With the help of this software GPs can access all the data of their patients registered in the National Health Insurance Fund system since 2001. We enhanced and enlarged this functionality by providing GPs access to any documents, images, (medical reports, findings, x-ray scans, etc.) of their patients stored within the interoperable medical systems (HIS) of the different health any care providers in the life cycle of the patient through an open source standard.

Request a personal appointment, consultation, free of charge product demonstration, or offer. +36 30 9442 999


Hospitaly Web GP

Our easy to use WEB GP system is a fully centralized Internet based software with lots of advantages for its user. The system can be accessed with any web browser, thus there is no need for local installation. Thanks to this technology the system is fully mobile requiring only a PC with internet connection.  It can also run on tablets and smart phones. Since data are registered on a central server (with constant monitoring and regular savings) ther is no need to worry about saving data or data security. The WEB_GP system completely re-establishes the connection and communication between GPs, hospitals and diagnostic clinics. The system provides online connection between the participants of the Interinstitutional Information System network, allowing for some revolutionary opportunities for GPs.